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Body Mind & Life
(Wood Snake Year 2152 )(Calendar, Pocket Diary, Desk Calendar 2
Prayer Flag & Mani Flag
Incense Burner, Singing Bowl & Brass Items
lobsang rapgay
SORIG Herbal Health Drinks/teas
SORIG Supplements
SORIG Incenses sticks & Ritual Powder
Astro Zodiac Sign Card

  1. What are the primary objectives of Men-Tsee-Khang?
    1. To promote and practise the Tibetan system of medicine, astronomy and astrology.
    2. To provide accessible health care to people regardless of caste, colour or creed.
    3. To provide free or concessional i.e. subsidised health care to the poor and needy, monks and nuns, all new arrivals from Tibet, and those over the age of Seventy.
    4. To produce Tibetan medicines in an environmentally sensitive manner.

  2. Men-Tsee-Khang (the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute) was established on March 23rd, 1961.

  3. Men-Tsee-Khang is a charitable, cultural and educational institution of H. H. the Dalai Lama, registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 (No. 1290/79) and u/s 12-A(a) of the Indian Income Tax Act 1961 (No. Judl/Reg. Cr/81-82/IST/35087/213). Its permanent Account Number for Income Tax is 28-510-A2-0011/ward-10-Palampur.

    It has exemption u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961 (No. CIT/PTA/I & 93-94/80-G/18313). Sales Tax number of Men-Tsee-Khang Export is LC/85/186390/0496

  4. The Men-Tsee-Khang activities include production and dispensing of tibetan traditional medicines; trained tibetan doctors and astrologers; published books on tibetan medicines and astrology.

  5. Four Tantras (rGyud bzhi) is considered as highly representative of Tibetan medicine

  6. rGyud bzhi is the word of Buddha Shakyamuni manifested as the Master of medicine (Bhasajya guru). It literally means the "four treaties", viz.:

    • rtsa-rgyud (the RCTA Treatise or Mula Tantra)
    • bShad-rgyud (the Explanatory Text or Akhyata Tantra)
    • man-ngag-rgyud (the Practice Instruction Text or Upadesha Tantra)
    • phyi-ma-rgyud (the Last Text(appendices) or Uttantra)

  7. During the reign of Fifth Dalai Lama, the regent Sangye Gyatso wrote a commentary on the rGyud bzhi in four volumes known as Baidurya sngon po, called the Blue Sapphire.

  8. Check for more details

  9. According to Late Dr. Tenzin Choedrak, Senior Personal Physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, put into production a medicine called "Tso-thel" which is a purified and de-toxified mercury powder with a sulphur base.

    Tso-thel forms the basis for three important Precious pills. The details recipe is found in the Kalachakra Tantra taught by Sakyamuni Buddha and it involves a very complicated pharmaceutical process.

  10. Check us out for more detail

  11. Check us out for more detail

  12. No, we don't have any Centres in Western Countries. But we have only a residential doctor in Armsterdam, Gremst, and America.

  13. Yes. However, as all classes are taught in the Tibetan language, fluency in Tibetan is a pre-requisite.

    Check for more details

  14. At the moment, no short class to foreigners

  15. Check us out for more detail

  16. You can read it online.

    Check us out for more detail

  17. You can call us or e-mail us:

    Tel: 91-01892-222618/223113/223222/226138
    Fax: 91-01892-224116
    Email: tmai@men-tsee-khang.org

    • Crush in a strong bowl(Mortar) of smCTAh surface with hammer
    • Wrapped in a cloth and crushed with a hammer
    • Crush in a garlic press or a nut-cracker

  18. No problem! However a temporal gap of one to two hours should be kept, so that the different medicines can take effect optimally.

  19. To achieve an optimal benefit, this instruction should be kept if possible. For example: if it is not possible to take the evening pill half an hour after the meal, then one could do this also directly before going to bed.

  20. What is the basic causes of all disease?
  21. According to Late Dr.Tenzin Choedrak , the five elements in the body relate to the five elements in the environment, and medicines are also composed of the four elements such as Earth, Water, Fire and Air. When the elements are not balanced disease occurs.

  22. Dr. mrs. Tenzin Kyipa (November 2005 to November 2008)
    Prinsengracht 200
    1016 HD Amsterdam
    Tel: +31-20-4204043, +31-20-6254138
    Fax: +31-20-6242810
    Website: www.nstg.nl
    Email: info@nstg.nl

  23. The general structure of the Tibetan Materia Medica and the agents traditionally employed consists of:

    • Medicinal plants
    • Metals and minerals
    • Parts and products of animals
    • Ordinary or semi-precious stones
    • Various forms of salt
    • A few varieties of mushrooms

  24. Can i take Precious pills additionally to other medicine?

    On the day the Precious pill is taken, refrain from the following points:

    • no other medicine
    • no uncooked items of any kind such as grain, vegetables, fruits etc.
    • no alcohol and sour beverages.
    • no garlic and onion
    • no intercourse
    • no strenuous exercises
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